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Image by Asit Khanda


Advocacy and Outreach

This group will provide the opportunity to develop skills to advocate for yourself and others. These are skills we can take beyond our center and into the larger community.

Assertiveness Training

Why is it important to learn to speak up for yourself? Join us in the process of finding our own voices. It’s a process that takes time and commitment, but is well worth the journey.

Connections Challenge Club

A Challenge Club is a group of people who meet to support each other in taking on a personal goal. Join us to grow and stretch as you reach your goals. Challenges are very individual and there are no hierarchies of challenges. For one person, it might be going to the doctor, for another, it might be climbing a mountain or reconnecting with a family member.

*Below are examples of groups we offer. Our schedule changes regularly. Please consult the calendar for our current schedule with descriptions.

Dual Recovery Group

A group for those in recovery from both mental health challenges and substance misuse. Each month we will touch upon a different theme, such as honesty or gratitude.

Hearing Voices Group

Up to 40% of the population will hear voices at some point in their lives. You are not alone. Your experiences matter. Connections hosts an in person Hearing Voices Network meeting every Tuesday at 2pm at our Portsmouth Center located at 544 Islington St. We would love for you to join us.

Intentional Peer Support Group (IPS)

This weekly group meets every Thursday at 11:00 and focuses on different aspects of peer support; such as WRAP, hope-based recovery, and goal setting.

Morning Meeting

Do you have something you want to share with your peers at Connections? Start out your day as part of a supportive peer network, where everyone is heard and really listened to. This is your opportunity to share the things that are sometimes difficult to say, knowing you are in a safe, supportive place.

WRAP- Wellness Recovery Action Plan (developed by Mary Ellen Copeland)

WRAP is about developing your own wellness plan. This has proven to be a powerful tool for self-determination and empowerment in the journey to recovery. To ensure you have a plan when feelings become more than you can handle, join us for this group. It is adaptable and flexible; it can be used for general wellness or can be tailored to help with a variety of challenges. In addition to the generic WRAP group, we also focus on smoking and addiction.

Coping through WRAP

WRAP is a self- designed toolkit with tangible actions to help assist you with your mental health. During our WRAP group, you’ll learn tangible skills that will assist you in creating a WRAP plan and sticking to it.

Call our Warmline daily from 5-10 PM, 603-427-6966

Portsmouth office  


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