What has your mental health journey been like?
"I have always struggled with anxiety and most recently depression. I have been in therapy for years and have found it to be very helpful. My mental health struggles are a daily battle that I have to work on constantly."
Why is Peer Support important to you?
"Peer Support is important to me because I am part of the LGBTQ+ community, where peer support is the foundation of love and acceptance for queer folks."
Where did you work before Connections?
"This summer I was a full-time field organizer for The NH Youth Movement. I also graduated from college this past May with degrees in journalism and sociology."
What Inspired you to work in the mental health field?
"I have always had a natural drive to help others and my community. After adding my second major of sociology in college and completing my field work requirements, I realized how big the need is for social workers and mental health professionals. I felt a very strong pull to pursue this field, and I knew that I could make a difference in it."
Fun Facts:
"I am currently training for my first half marathon, and I am also working on finishing the NH48!"
Favorite Quote:
"Behind every strong person is a story that gave them no choice."
Favorite Self- Care Activity:
"I love being outdoors! In the winter you can find me on the slopes and when the weather gets warmer, I am hiking in the White Mountains!"